Well, I went yesterday a took a peek at my table, All I can say is I think I'm in love! It is looking
absolutely perfect for us!! The top is 2 inches thick of solid oak, and the table weighs a
whopping 300 pounds or so. I wanted a solid heavy duty table that would last forever, I think I got it. It will be ready for staining next week, the top will be stained a medium to dark stain. The legs will be painted black made to look old.
Carrol Owens has done a
fantastic job.
Have you ever had one of those crazy weeks, like your running around with your head cut off??? Well, this week has been one of them. To start things off my Maytag dishwasher, mind you only 5 years old went to poop. So we ran to Lowes today and picked one up and Charlie and his Dad got it all put in. Thank you Rick!! :)

Since I have been feeling so
overwhelmed with trying to get everything done around (here with three kids) I pulled out the old Mr. Family notebook. It has everything in this neat little book. I keep my schedule,shopping list,the boys papers from school and anything else I need for the week. Each person has their own little pocket where they can keep their things. I have my schedule and shopping list down in those paper
protectors and use a wipe off marker, so I can keep using the same one. I really do love this thing, and I feel so much more organized when I keep up with it. Our schedule is
fix'en to get busy around here, the boys start school in a week. Today we went and registered for football, both of the boys are playing. Whew, that wears me out just thinking about all the practices.